Monday, 27 August 2012

VIS COM - Assessment 1 - Elements and Principles

You may work in Partners to complete this project but both YOU and YOUR partner need to post this assignment to your OWN blog. You may have the same pictures but you each need to submit your own work.

________Line                                                     _________Asymmetrical Balance
________Shape                                                  _________Symmetrical Balance
________Space                                                  _________Emphasis
________Colour                                                  _________Rhythm
________Texture                                               _________Contrast
·         You may find up to 3 principles and 3 elements online. The other 2 of each, you    must use a digital camera find them and take a clear picture.
·         Once you have all your images you need to create a blog post, titled ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN
·         Upload all 10 of your pictures to your blog.
·         Underneath each of your pictures you need to write 1 sentence describing where in the picture the element or principle is displayed (DO NOT write the description of the element or principle)
·         Any Picture you found online and using must be cited. Underneath any picture found online you must also put picture from (then the website you found it). The website you found it on CANNOT be GOOGLE.


Total Points _________________/20

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