Monday, 27 August 2012

VIS COM - Assessment 4 - Illustrate a Word

Illustrate a Word

Fonts are able to create meaning with their size, style, position etc. It is your task to create a font that represents the meaning of the word or phrase that you choose. The MILK text we did in class is a good  example. Further examples of work created by M.E. LaZerte students can be found on the far wall. You need to use a computer to draw the letters and create the illustration, you may choose to use fireworks or illustrator to complete this project. The finished product must be neat and professional looking.

When you are finished you need to submit you PNG or Illustrator file to the drop box and then post your image to your blog. If you do not do both you will no receive a mark for this assignment.

Here are the links to the examples done in class if you need a refresher.


Marking Guide

Images Enhance word  - 2 Marks
Use of tools - 3 Marks
Proper Use of Elements and Principles - 5 Marks
Image is Unique and Original - 3 Marks
Total - 13 Marks


Font is original and creative     /5
Font clearly represents the chosen word or phrase    /5
Neatness and overall presentation     /5
Total     /15

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