Sunday, 28 October 2012

Animation - Creating a Motion Tween

Create a Motion Tween in Flash 3.0
  1. Open new file
    1. Action 3.0

Important points*** the white area you see is called the stage and anything in the white are will show up in your animation.  Anything created in the grey area surrounding the stage will not show up on your animation.  Look at the bottom of the screen and you will see a thing called the timeline.  Within the timeline are numbers that represent the frame numbers ( remember there are 30 frames per second in video)

2. On the right hand side of the page look for the “Properties window”  If you click on the rectangle you can choose a new color for the stage- choose  a light color
3.  Still in the properties window, change the size of the stage by clicking on the edit button and change the stage to 500x500

Important point*** in flash you can create layers- for every new object, create and put the object on a new layer.  Label them accurately so that you won’t get confused with what is on what layer.

3. On layer 1 double click on the word “layer 1” and rename it “circle”  Press enter

Important point****the cursor (red line) on the timeline tells you where you are in time

  1. On the right hand side of the screen select the oval tool ( located under the rectangle tool)

  1. Change the color of the circle- the fill (bucket ) changes the inside of the circle and the stroke(pencil) changes the outline

  1. Draw a small circle in the top left hand corner of the stage

  1. ****Important****Select the pointer tool (top) on the left hand side of the screen and draw a box around the whole circle.  If you don’t make the box large enough to cover the entire circle, the outline may not be selected

  1. Right click on the circle and select “convert to symbol” ( the circle should turn to dots)  Name the symbol “circle”  A blue box should show around the circle (it’s now a symbol)

  1. Right click on the circle and select “create motion tween) A blue bar should how up on the timeline to 24 frames

  1. Click on the circle and move it to the bottom corner.  You should see a spline path or dotted line on the stage.  In the timeline a black dot would show up on frame 24(that is a Keyframe)

Note*** a keyframe indicated a change or an end of something on the timeline******

  1. You can curve the spline line path by grabbing a dot and pulling it

  1. Press enter and you will see the motion that you just created

  1. Place the cursor at the end of the blue line on the timeline- a double arrow will show- drag the frames to 40 ( this will lengthen your animation)

  1. Click on frame 10 in the blue timeline.  Right lick on timeline and choose “insert  keyframe- position or scale etc”

  1. Go to the stage and select the circle and pull it to the right hand corner

  1. Click on 20 frames in the timeline.  Right click and choose “insert keyframe (position) A black dot must show up (keyframe) Move the circle to the left hand side

  1. Clickk on 30 and repeat #16

  1. Add a new object by making a new layer- at the top of the screen co to Insert

    1. Timeline
                                          i.    Layer
Rename it “square” and press enter.  You should now have 2 layers.
  1. Return to key frame 1.  Make sure that you are on the square layer ( will be high lited grey)
  2. Select  tools on the right hand side of the screen In the rectangle, change the color of your rectanble. 
  3. Draw the rectangle in the top right hand corner .  Select with a box with the selection too(top arerow)  the rectangle should turn to dots.  Right click on it and choose”convert to symbol”
  4. Indsert position keeyframe and move the recanle to the ottom right ( you should see a spline path)
  5.  You can bend the spline to a new path

If you would like to change thesize of your object
            Click on the spquae layer and insert keyframe(scale) to change the size

Save your work to your f drive
            Save as and fla (this is a working document)
To save your work to hand in
                        Export Movie as a SWF

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