Monday 3 December 2012

Songs In Real Life Assignment

Your assignment is to create a video that is similar in idea to the Songs In Real Life video that we watched in class. Your video must meet the following conditions:

 - Be at least 1 minutes long
 - Contain a title and credits
-          - Contain 7 sections with song lyrics and audio files included
             - Use a variety of camera moves and shots (ie. close-up, long shot, pan, tilt)
             - Contain a variety of settings (ie. not all shots of two people at their desks)
             - Be edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and SoundBooth so that audio and video fit together well

Before you start you must create a storyboard for your video. Use the storyboard rubric that we have printed out. There should be at least one shot on the storyboard per section with song lyrics. You must have the camera moves and shots, the storyboard and the basketball video completed before you start taking video for the project.

Video Evaluation Rubric

Poor (1)
Fair (2)
Good (3)
Excellent (4)
Camera moves and shots are effective and non-distracting

Scene settings are varied and pleasing to the eye

Script is well detailed with lines, music and scene descriptions

Audio and video editing is done so that overall product fits smoothly together

Audio additions are in sync with video

All requirements are met, audio and video are high quality

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